British parliamentarians support Sahrawi people's inalienable right to self-determination

Tue, 05/14/2024 - 21:05

London, 14 May 2024 (SPS) - A group of British parliamentarians, representing several parties in the United Kingdom, expressed their support for the Sahrawi people's inalienable right to self-determination and legitimate defense of its just cause, during a discussion on the Sahrawi issue in the British Parliament in the presence of the Minister of State from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Development and the Commonwealth.

A group of British parliamentarians representing several parties in the United Kingdom, including Patrick Grady and Jeremy Corbyn, supported the Sahrawi people's inalienable right to self-determination and their legitimate defense of its just cause, noting that strong responses had been issued by members of the parliamentary group for friendship and solidarity with the Sahrawi people, confirming the legitimacy of the Sahrawi people's struggle and resistance for its legitimate rights, at the forefront of which is its right to self-determination.

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Development and the Commonwealth, David Rutley, said that "his government is committed to helping the two parties to the conflict reach a fair, lasting and acceptable political solution based on compromise, which guarantees the Sahrawi people the right to self-determination."

In his comment on the debate in the British Parliament on the British position on the Western Sahara issue, the Polisario Front representative in Britain, Mr. Sidi Abrika, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the parliamentary group for friendship and solidarity with the Sahrawi people for their supportive and solidarity position regarding the just Sahrawi cause.

The Sahrawi diplomat affirmed that "the Conservative MP, Daniel Kawczynski, along with other parliamentarians, have been repeatedly summoned and personally targeted by the Moroccan occupying authorities in an attempt to legitimize the illegal occupation of parts of the Sahrawi Republic's territories." He explained that "this is an attempt to give legal cover to economic and investment projects planned and to involve British partners in the continuous looting of the Sahrawi people's resources, including what is known as greenwashing."

He pointed out that this policy "has become exposed as another attempt to cover up the resounding failure to convince the United Nations, the African Union and the international community of what is called Moroccan illusory sovereignty over the land of the Sahrawi Republic," highlighting that "the strength of the justice of the Sahrawi cause and the resistance and will of the Sahrawi people under the leadership of its valiant army and its adherence to its principles and its loyalty to the covenant of the righteous martyrs, constitute strong resistance factors in the face of the cunning maneuvers and ongoing conspiracies by the occupying Kingdom and its allies, especially its agents in the United Kingdom."
